Monday, November 28, 2016

Germany And The Rise Of Hitler

Comparisons have been made of late between contemporary United States and the rise of Nazi Germany. As I am currently studying that era, I figured I would share remembrances from those who were actually there. I’m not trying to make a value judgment, just passing along quotes that somehow seem applicable to the times. All quotes are taken from How Democracy Failed, published in 1975, so no comparisons are attempted from the book’s author to today’s events.

“People knew that there was a sort of Hitler underground, that kids were being indoctrinated, that democratic teachers were getting fired, that the Nazis were better organized than the newspapers ever told us. And there was a quality of political anger.”

“Of course, hate didn’t really explode suddenly in 1930. Hate for Jews, for ‘traitors”, for the liberal press (which as the bearer of bad news was often regarded as the cause of all the disasters), and for politicians who seemed to promise a better life but couldn’t deliver even a few more jobs, had been smoldering in Germany ever since the end of World War I.”

“Students graduated from college into a world that had no place for them. After working hard to get into the university and then spending many years cramming for tough, ever-recurring competitive examinations, many of these students felt betrayed by their country, as did the thousands of shopkeepers whose businesses failed.”

“By reinforcing all the prejudices of the men whom life had apparently failed, telling them that their inability to find work, to lead a decent life, to support their families, was a planned plot by their old enemies, the liberals, the Jews and the scheming politicians, the Nazi party added thousands of new, fighting mad members to its ranks every month.”

“Few realized that the whole world, America included, was going through a depression. They thought that their country had been singled out for misery by “those foreigners”, who were, of course, becoming rich through Germany’s poverty.

On reading over German papers for the months of June, July, and August, it becomes obvious that the vast majority of political reporters, columnists and editors still considered Hitler and his band of conspicuous followers a very minor menace. There were about thirty daily papers in Berlin, and only those that were specifically oriented toward the Nazi party predicted any significant gains in Hitler’s parliamentary delegation.

Hitler attempted to be all things to all men. To a group of students he could appear as a moderate, rather mild politician. In public he preferred to be seen as a gentle man, who loved children and cared so much for animals that he became a vegetarian. His speeches were often so irrational that politicians flatly refused to take him seriously.

By 1933—still appearing to an objective observer to be an irrational, spiteful, rather unintelligent and uneducated little man—he had become one of the most powerful rulers in history. A lost war, a disastrous inflation, disorder and crime, and many lost German illusions had helped to put him in power. But so had some other rather special German problems: an educational system that emphasized obedience over independent thought; a series of orators who taught the public to distrust a free press; an overwhelming longing for order and stability, even at the expense of freedom and justice.

There were those who had always believed that freedom leads to license, that patriotism means an uncritical attitude toward the state, and finally, that the leadership of that state should not be subjected to public scrutiny.

Usually, the distrust produced indifference. Most Germans simply didn’t want to become involved. They considered all politicians as corrupt or corruptible, newspapers as biased, political speeches as empty promises…

Hilda, of course, didn’t understand that Hitler, himself, was well aware of the drama that the fights created, and that they got for him much needed free space in the press. Hitler was also aware of the distrust of politics and government by most Germans, like Hilda’s parents…

He (Hitler) had come to the simple conclusion that a speech would be remembered more vividly if accompanied by violence. He therefore welcomed violent interruptions, because they gave his bodyguards an excuse to wade through the crowd and engage in savage fighting.”

If the average German was disgusted with the fighting and chaos, Hitler was getting his name in the papers, and his followers were proud of him.

Early in his career, Hitler had learned that his audiences were not interested in closely reasoned ideas. What they liked was pounding repetition : the same attacks against the liberals, the Jews, the press and the pacifists, using the same frightening and passionate phrases, with the same promises of a great and bright future.

“One man, who looked like a student, asked at the meeting I attended why the Communists and the international bankers were working together,” a man who is now a banker reported. “That seemed like a fairly intelligent question to me, but one of Hitler’s guards just walked up to him and hit him in the mouth.”

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Pardon Me, I Trumped

Many of us in The United States are making a face of disgust in response to the emergence of Trump. There are tears in the eyes of many, looks of revulsion and nausea. We question how it happened, how anything could have resulted in something so God-awful.

But the fact is, it was only a matter of time before it happened. As malodorous as it was, we needed to get this thing out of our system. We’ve been attempting to keep it in for too long and it was causing us immense amounts of discomfort. We could feel the roiling in our bowels, the impending emergence of something most foul, but we tried to wish it away. And when the ugliness came out we were mortified, sickened. The world held its breath as it slowly dawned on them what we had done.

America farted. The left cheek, with its single, pronounced boil, and the right cheek, a veritable constellation of festering pimples, squeezed together and let a Trump out. Nobody saw it coming, no one expected something like this. Such a thing simply is not done on such a solemn occasion as a presidential election. People should be pulling the voter lever and not their own finger when behind the voting booth curtain. It’s just not good manners to do such a thing. But sometimes you just can’t help yourself. Sometimes you only mean to let a silent one out, hoping it won’t stink up the place.

But this was a bad one. The signs were there, voters were already admitting they would be holding their noses as they voted, more so than in any election in recent memory.

What we squeezed out was more distasteful than anything we could have imagined. It brought tears to the eyes of those who were easily offended, while the baser among us were able to make crude jokes about it.

And then there were those who just don’t care where they do such a thing. To them it was a tremendous accomplishment. It was they alone who were capable of savoring the moment, they alone who were not offended by the noxious little thing they had given birth to. I’ve never understood how people could do such a thing to others and find humor in it, but it’s undeniable that they exist in every corner of the globe. To them, offending others is worth the stain they leave on their own underwear.

But as I said before, the outcome was entirely predictable. It’s an inevitable result of a bad diet. The body politic is simply incapable of digesting continuous servings of red meat the demagogues heap on to the plates of those who listen to talk radio. That’s what you get when the food you consume is utterly lacking in the roughage of critical thought. We have been gorging ourselves with food that is little more than sugar and fat, entertainment designed to appeal to our taste buds without providing us anything of substance.

Let this be a warning to all of us. This is what happens when you don’t bother to look into where your foodstuffs come from, this is what happens when you look away while the sausage is getting made. We, all of us, have to start paying a whole lot more attention to what we ingest. Because a simple fart, not matter how disgusting and off-putting it may be, is the least of our worries. The digestive tract can become quite sensitive once it has been sufficiently abused. If I lacked the refinement of he who is to become our next president, I would describe the symptoms for you, but I’m sure your imagination can fill in the details.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Capitulation Is Not An Effective Strategy

Before Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, people were wondering what would happen if he lost the election and refused to concede. Of course, nobody thought to ask the same question about Hillary Clinton because we all knew the answer: she would quit the fight even if she had the majority of the votes, just as Al Gore did in 2,000. Funny in those 16 years between Gore and Clinton nobody on the Democratic side of things did anything to ensure that voters’ rights were guaranteed, did nothing to appeal to their left flank, and did nothing to get rid of the electoral college that has now cost them 12 years of Republican presidents in 20 years.

Let me point out for you some of the differences between the Republicans and Democrats:
--Democrats lost in 2,000 and are still blaming Ralph Nader. Republicans lost in 1992 and still quote Ross Perot. No animosity there, despite the fact his presence enabled Bill Clinton to be elected.
--Election after election the Democrats insist the better candidate is unelectable and go with the establishment option. Republicans nominated Donald Trump.
--Democrats say NAFTA was a done deal by the time Bill Clinton got into office and he had no choice but to enact it into law. Republicans promised to put an end to Obamacare their first day in office, even though it’s already been the law for years now.

See, the difference between Democrats and Republicans is that when Democrats lose an election they look into moving to Canada and when Republicans lose elections they buy guns. In short, Republicans bravely attack while the Democrats are a bunch of…well, let’s just say Trump wouldn’t be shy about grabbing them.

The difference is as obvious as the difference between Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes. Of course it’s set up on Fox News to allow Hannity to be the tough guy, but I suspect it’s similar with the party candidates. I truly believe the game is rigged to support strong Republicans and weak Democrats. Even when we get a winning candidate he ends up moving the country to the right. Barack Obama entered office with a Democratic congress and did nothing more than bail out the big banks. He turned Bush’s two wars into four. The healthcare plan he managed to get passed was modeled off his Republican opponent’s plan.

Yes, Hillary Clinton lost, and the result is something that appears very much like fascism. But the answer to that threat was never going to be another Clinton. Donald Trump is the bloom upon the plant the Clintons have been diligently watering for the last 24 years. Had it not been for NAFTA and TPP Trump would not have had trade as a weapon to use against her. Had not Clinton in her role as Secretary of State overthrown the government of Libya and stirred the pot in Syria, had she bravely refused to vote against the war in Iraq, Trump would not now have the anti-immigrant cudgel he now wields.

If it was fascism we were facing in the 2016 election, then Hillary Clinton was Neville Chamberlain. No, worse than that, she was the Maginot Line. Even worse yet, she was Vichy France. She was a facile attempt to deal with very real issues by not dealing with them. She was a coat of paint on a crumbling bit of infrastructure. She was a wolf who took the time to dress herself in a sheep’s pantsuit.

Let me give you an example of how a tepid candidate not only loses you elections but doesn’t allow you to pass your agenda should you happen to win. The climate is changing. The freaking climate is changing and it’s our fault. The climate is changing, it’s our fault, and only people who deny the preponderance of scientific evidence will claim otherwise. It will require immediate action to ameliorate the effects and nobody knows for certain how bad it will be even if we turn the boat around this instant. This is actually happening. Something’s actually happening, Reg, and we have to do something!

Hillary Clinton had this issue to work with against a science-denying half-wit and because she was in the pockets of the oil industry she made no mention of it save when on the same stage as Bernie Sanders and could not avoid it. She had in her possession the flaming sword of God’s own justice and she never bothered to unsheathe it, let alone use it to cut the head off the ogre. We are actively destroying God’s greatest gift to us—the planet—and Hillary Clinton could not bring herself to make it a campaign issue.

You cannot be timid about such issues as climate change. If it is real it is terrifying and if you don’t act like it is terrifying, people will assume it is not real. It only feeds into the mindset of those brainwashed by the rightwing media that tells them global warming is a hoax. They have been told in confident tones that Global Warming is not real, it must be countered with an even firmer response if they are ever to be swayed. The truth of it must be shoved in their faces, not whispered timidly only when in the right group of people.

Hillary’s career has been one of capitulation. She is the example of everything Trump supporters don’t like. She is the reason people were willing to believe in Trump if only because he did not sound like a politician. They wanted to hear conviction, wanted to see it, and it showed more in Trump than it did in Clinton. It was a naïve choice on their part, but you must remember they had no other option than the status quo that had shipped their jobs overseas and bailed out big banks while leaving them with more mortgage debt than house equity.

To be a leader you must be bold. Clinton had at her disposal a youthful and zealous army but she refused to rally them to her side. Nobody rallies to a flag with the emblem of a weasel or a snake but instead to one with an eagle or a lion. How did you expect that we would follow you? Who is willing to go into battle unless they believe the cause is just and the generals trustworthy?

You had the arrows of truth in your possession but you could not shoot straight. You had the scars of countless campaigns but they were undermined by the myriad whispered rumors of you secretly being in the camp of the enemy. We simply could not trust one who had been rewarded so handsomely without ever actually winning any battles.

You played it safe all your life in order to win the ultimate prize and in the end you lost. You retreated whenever the battle was upon you, as you did upon the eve of the Iraq war. You betrayed those truest to the cause and most willing to fight for it and instead sought to enlist officers from the enemy’s camp: Glen Beck, John Negroponte, Brent Scowcroft, John Warner. Politics is as much about emotions as it is intellect, but you appealed strongly to neither.

The people were frightened, they were frightened by a world you helped shape. Many who voted for Donald Trump couldn’t precisely put their finger on what was wrong but their senses told them, quite correctly, that there was something rotten in our political system. They voted for hope and change, just as many voted for hope and change when they went to the polls for Barack Obama in 2008. I’m guessing a fair amount of people voted for Trump as they once did for Obama, placing their hopes irrationally on slogans and aspirations rather than thoughtful proposals and a proven track record.

It is not the rank and file who can be found wanting, not us who should be judged. It is our leaders who have failed us. 50% of us did not march to battle at all, most of the rest did so grudgingly. Should a true leader someday emerge, he will find himself with a nation of eager followers, ready to take on whatever tasks are asked of us. When someone comes along who can unite us, not divide us, we will once again show what the United States is capable of. We can yet be an example to the world, a city upon a hill that demonstrates liberty and justice. Until that time, I suggest that it is best to avoid going to war for generals who are interested in nothing more than enriching their own coffers and their own sense of glory. Do not take up arms against those who they claim is your enemy. The hatred and the violence will only worsen your lot while feeding the egos of those who seek victory, heedless of the cost.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Guns For Libs

When liberals lose an election, they look into moving to Canada. Well sometimes they whine and block traffic, too, but that’s beside the point. When conservatives lose elections, they buy guns. I’m not going to say what that makes you liberals look like, let’s just say that Trump would like to grab you.

Like Trump, most conservatives don’t have much respect for people without guns. Actually, Trump has no respect for anyone, but that’s a different matter. What matters is that it’s time for lefties to change their tactics.

Which is why it’s time Liberals should start buying guns. They should buy so many guns that they drive the price of those suckers up. They should buy so many guns that conservatives have to pay twice as much for guns. Hell, they should buy so many guns that the conservatives start thinking about selling the guns they have in order to profit off a buyer’s market. Liberals should buy so many guns that the military has to buy their guns from China.

Think of how many guns Barbara Streisand could buy if she put her mind to it. Liberals could have a big concert and give the proceeds to liberals who can’t afford to buy guns. They could give hand guns out to the gunless, the way they give out condoms in high school.

It's time to temporarily take all those books out of the little free library you liberals have in your front yard and stock them full of guns instead. This could be our little liberal secret, a place for liberals in need to access a gun should the occasion arise. And don't worry, neither conservatives nor criminals would ever think to look in one. Just make sure it's high enough off the ground that the kids can't get to it.

How about guns to the homeless? After all, give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, give him a gun and sufficient quantities of ammo, and he’s well on his way to self-sufficiency.

Think about this, as well: the more guns liberals buy, the less money the NRA is going to want spend to back the Republican Party exclusively. Democratic candidates could start out-gun-righting the right, so that all those NRA dollars will start pouring into the secret PACs that attack Republican candidates.

It wouldn’t be hard to do. There are already a ton of people who vote Democrat who own guns. Most of them just don’t fall for the line of the NRA that the Democrats want to take their guns. Hell, most libs aren’t really as scared of guns as they are the people who buy them. If you’ve owned a Samsung tablet a gun is no more of a danger.

The Democrats could use Trayvon Martin as their poster child: “He’d still be alive if he had been carrying a gun instead of Skittles.” Maybe they could do one of those gun trade-ins in the inner city, only in reverse, so instead of you turning in your gun and getting cash for it, maybe they could trade a bag of Skittles for a gun.

How many conservatives would be standing outside a black polling place to see if voters had proper ID if they knew everyone voting was packing more than just a driver’s license? How many voter’s rights would be denied if those doing the denying were aware of the suddenly lax gun laws?

It’s simple, you just have to out-crazy the crazies. That’s what the conservatives have been doing all along: no matter what the liberals were willing to go along with, just ask for more. The liberals just have to turn it into a game of chicken and refuse to lose no matter where the conservatives are willing to take it. Guns for 12 year olds? What’s wrong with 10 year olds? What’s wrong with guns for convicted felons, they’ve done their time, right? This is America, after all. Why have laws about guns at all? Isn’t the 2nd Amendment crystal clear on this? What is there to argue about “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed?”

The simple fact is the Right is never going to respect you until you have guns. Until you do they will think you are sissies unworthy of citizenship. They are sick and tired of having to protect you on a regular basis from all those things that need to be opposed with guns. It’s time to grow a pair, liberals. It’s time to start carrying your own weight and get yourself a gun, so that you can protect yourself rather than being a drain on society. And who knows, if you get good with guns, maybe you can start returning the favor. Maybe you can start protecting conservatives from danger the way they’ve been protecting liberals all this time. Instead of a George Zimmerman patrolling the streets and keeping them safe, maybe we could have an Antwayn and DeAndre packing a pistol and standing at the corner of your street. If that doesn’t make you feel safer I question your true commitment to gun rights.

I’ve noticed that conservatives tend to bond over their guns. They just tend to trust other gun owners, feeling that those who don’t own guns are a little bit strange and untrustworthy. Perhaps if universal gun ownership were to become a reality, the differences between races and religions might not seem so extreme. Maybe all we really need for peace to reign is to make sure every African American and Muslim is carrying his own gun, every tree-hugging vegan hippie packing heat. That way you wouldn’t have to brand the bad ones, you’d just recognize them by their suspicious lack of any firearm. I’d like to think that such a world would be one in which all could join hands as brothers, but of course such a show of solidarity might leave us all a little slow on the draw.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Abuser Has Two Faces

I am not going to tell you who you should vote for, since I have no idea what issues are most important to you. I will, however, suggest how you should vote. You should vote with an attitude of love and hope, just as you should do all things with an attitude of love and hope. For love and hope grow stronger and spreads to others the more we practice it, just as fear and hatred tends to spread like some contagious disease.

If you vote with hate and fear as your motivations, you will create a system that furthers hate and fear, it really is that simple. If you believe that you cannot support either of the major party candidates in a spirit of love and hopefulness, then walk away from the system because the system does not offer the solutions you or society needs. When we can no longer bring the better angels of our nature into the voting booth with us, it is the system that is broken. And when the system is broken, working within the parameters of that system is supporting that system. To support either of the two-party candidates is to support the two-party system. That is what we’ve been doing for generations now and it has led us to where we are now. There is no logical reason to assume it will be different this time, that voting for the lesser of two evils will bring about the change we really need. It will at best delay the inevitable, permitting all that is wrong to become further entrenched.

Of course, if you are comfortable with the situation as it is, then there is no problem. If you believe that the vote you cast will make for a better tomorrow, by all means do so. But if you vote in fear of what will happen should you not do as you are told by those who know better than you, then you are not behaving as an autonomous adult in touch with your human potential and ability. You are alienated from what makes you a truly independent and powerful human being. You are, in fact, behaving like an abuse victim.

It is a trap nobody expects to fall into. One day you suddenly realize you are reacting in fear all of the time. You feel helpless and you feel stupid and you feel like a bad person no matter what you do. You find yourself timidly acquiescing in hopes of receiving the lesser punishment, hope to deal with the less threatening face of the abuser, but his abusive behavior will continue as long as you continue to play the abuser’s game. If you ever want to break out of that prison, that box that has Democrats as the left wall, Republicans as the right wall, a front wall that has the corporate media as your window to the world, and the ever present wall of fear at your back, you will have to refuse the parameters that have been set for you. You cannot permit yourself to give into the fear and the hatred. You have to have faith that there is something better and transcend the walls that have you imprisoned. You must trust in others and in yourself.

We have lost faith in our fellow humans and in ourselves, handing over that faith instead to institutions and figures of authority. To abusers. We see all too clearly our shortcomings and do not permit ourselves to see what we as individuals and a society are capable of. We give our inalienable rights away to abusers who promise to make things better and always end up making things worse. Why else would we vote the way we do except that we let ourselves see the worst in others and in ourselves? We fear true democracy, afraid that we will have to make real decisions. Why else would we tolerate the political advertising that pollutes our airwaves and our souls and allow ourselves to believe there is no better way? There is a better way but it is up to us to find it.

That’s the way abusers work, by getting us to stop seeing any beauty or goodness in life. For them it is about keeping you in a constant state of fear and uncertainty. But if you are ever going to make things better, you will have to walk away from the games, the threats, the controlling behavior. You must first see yourself as more than helpless if you wish to be something more than a mere extension of the abuser.

An abuser has two faces. A victim of abuse always tries to curry favor with the more peaceful side of the abuser so that he or she doesn’t have to face the violent side. Donald Trump is the ugly, violent side of the abuser. Hillary Clinton is the side that says: “I’m sorry I hit you, baby, it won’t happen again. I love you. I know I voted for that war in Iraq and I was for all those trade agreements that took your job, but I changed.” Of course the implied threat is that if you don’t deal with the Hillary side of things, the Trump side is going to bang your head against the wall.

It takes courage to leave an abuser, courage and a plan. For too long you have convinced yourself that if you just go along with him you can make him change. You constantly compromise what you feel is right so that you don’t displease him. Then the violence occurs, followed by the apologies and the promise that it will never happen again.

But he won’t change, he will never change. The abuser has you in his power and power is the one thing he loves more than anything. He will never really love you, he will merely seek to control and possess you. This is a sad reality that most victims of abuse are slow to realize because they cannot imagine anyone is actually capable of thinking this way. But this I promise, he will never change and it is up to you to get out from under him.

In the meantime he will cut you off from everyone who tries to tell you he’s no good for you. He will cut you off from your family and friends, anyone who is not within his thrall. He will make you feel utterly helpless and at the same time blame you for everything that goes wrong. “I lost because you didn’t support me enough. You didn’t believe in me. I wanted to pass a health-care bill that would cover everyone but everyone is out to get me.”

The abuser wants to make you feel ignorant, that he has all the answers and you better not try to question him. He will tell you the most absurd lies imaginable, and he will demand that you believe him. He wants to make you feel helpless to do anything on your own to make things better. He wants you to believe that you are worthless without him and that you are lucky to have him.

The abuser wants you to see one of his two faces as the real one. He wants you to think that if you love him enough that the other, uglier face, will just go away. But it has kept getting uglier, hasn’t it? The violence more intense and often. Some day you’re going to have to realize exactly who it is your dealing with. It’s time to start working on your courage and your exit strategy, because he is never going to change. It’s time to reach out to all of those who he said was bad for you, time to start making connections with the outside world again. They may be Republicans or Democrats, but they’re abuse victims just like you. And we all need to be strong and support each other if we’re going to ever be free.

I might not have all the answers—I suspect nobody is that smart—but I know the kind of fertile soil from which a healthy society grows, and it is rich in love and hope. Nothing good will come of hatred and fear. If that is all you have within you, stay away from a polling station. No, that is not good enough. That is the abuser in me talking. Instead, find the love and hope that is in you and find a way to make a positive difference. You’ve been inside the box too long.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Let's Build A Wall!

Things were different in my grandfather’s day. Back then, when someone wanted to employ immigrants to drive down wages for American workers, they did it the legal way, by getting politicians elected who would increase the immigration quotas. It’s not fair that we punish those who buy politicians the old-fashioned way by allowing people to hire illegal immigrants.

And so I make what may sound like an unkind suggestion, but one I feel is necessary. I believe anyone found employing illegal aliens should be rounded up and immediately deported to Panama, The Cayman Islands, or whatever country they claim as their corporation’s nation of origin in order to avoid paying income taxes. For simplicity sake, let’s just send them all to the Cayman Islands. That way we can build a 50 foot wall around it. And make them pay for it! And we’ll make them pay living wages to those who build it too, not the $3 an hour under the table they were paying their illegal employees who were too afraid to speak out.

After all, it’s not right that those who hire illegal aliens are being treated better than our veterans. After fighting wars overseas that make for even more people fleeing their countries in hopes of finding a better life in the U.S of A., our soldiers come home to find their jobs are taken by those same refugees. Meanwhile, our government is paying those same companies who hire illegal immigrants here at home to rebuild the countries we blew up at their behest. And like as not they’re not using American labor to rebuild Saddam’s prisons.

Don’t tell me Americans won’t do the jobs immigrants do, it’s just a matter of how much money they want in return for their work. Let me explain the law of supply and demand to those who don’t get it: the less supply, the greater the demand. The less workers available, the greater the wages those workers are able to demand. Of course, those who hire illegals know it, that’s why they’re willing to open the immigration floodgates in order to reduce wages.

They say they can’t find anyone here that is willing to pick fruit or clean their pools for them, but guess what? If they paid enough, I’d gladly do it. Raise the wages enough and there will be people willing to do any job. Just look at how many attractive young women are willing to marry wrinkly old billionaires. It’s the magic of the market place. Of course, if they pay the pool boy too much they might not be able to afford more than one swimming pool per mansion, but nobody’s promised anything in this life.

It hurts me to see people tampering with the magic of the market place. After all, the market is only able to work its magic when it is allowed to act freely. The market is sacred. It is the source of all that is pure and good in the world. Flooding a nation with excess labor is equivalent to the Federal Reserve flooding the market with un-backed currency: it is destined to crash the system eventually.

So what do you think, Donald? Isn’t that a better idea than trying to trace every Western Union payment sent by all the less-than-minimum-wage workers in the country? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to build a wall around the Caymans than the entire Mexican border? Wouldn’t the Cayman Islands be a nice place to vacation after a tiring presidential campaign?

Because you know Donald Trump has made some serious money hiring illegal immigrants rather than the American workers whose vote he’s got wrapped around his little finger. Construction and hotels? Nah, no illegals involved in those trades.

I’d be interested to know how much money Trump puts in his pocket for every illegal worker he got to replace an American one. I’m guessing the average would be around twenty grand each per year, which doesn’t include the overall dampening of wages for everyone else. And I’m guessing we’re looking at thousands of workers, because Donald Trump has his fingers in a lot of pies. We’re talking tens of millions of dollars. That may not be a lot of money to Trump, but I’ll bet it’s plenty to a veteran who’s looking for work.

Come to think of it, if those who hire illegal immigrants are so concerned about saving money, I’m sure it would be cheaper to deport them somewhere like Siberia or Somalia. With the money we’d save, we could make that fence 100 feet tall!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Media And Elections

Remember that no matter how much you may dislike a given candidate, the real enemy is the media. The media is the god to whom all bad candidates pledge obedience. As much as candidates try to play the media, in the end it is always the media that plays them.

I even feel sorry for Donald. Seriously. Watching Chris Matthews goad Trump into making an inane comment (as if he needed encouragement) was hard to watch. Donald, even Donald, was trying to avoid a nonsensical question, but eventually Matthews wore him down and got the sound bite he wanted.

Hillary too. I’m not talking about conservative talk show radio, which does an unspeakable butcher job on her while not dealing with the relevant issues that they could actually pin her to the wall on. I’m talking about the mainstream media. No matter how Hillary tries to portray herself, the media always paints her unsympathetically.

Of course, while I feel sorry that they are both victims of the media, they are after all guilty of playing the game. Instead of trying to put forward an appearance that the media will accept, she should worry more about being herself than projecting the right image. And Donald Trump has been playing a game this whole time, knowing how base and immoral the media is that they will lap it up like the sick puppies they are. He had to have known, or should have known, that eventually the media would turn on their favorite circus monkey once the routine got old. Live by the media, die by the media.

Perhaps with this current presidential campaign, though, the populace is finally starting to get it. Perhaps they see that the problem is not so much the candidates but what the candidates have to do to get the attention of the media. I truly believe that the citizens, both liberal and conservative, have finally realized the most corrupting influence on politics today, a media that prefers sound bites to substance so that they have more time for commercials. News organizations that feel no moral obligation to actually report the truth but to bring in more viewers by titillating their audience. Perhaps with the advent of the internet, we are so flooded with click-bait that we now feel we have to sort through all the nonsense in order to find what is meaningful to our lives.

It is the media that has made the election cycle the cesspool it has become. If the media were doing their job, they would winnow out the wheat from the chaff rather than throwing it all on the fire in order to create spectacle. The media is interested in one thing, and that is money. To that end they reduce the amount of reporters they have to pay, avoid controversial issues that they would have to commit to, and accept news uncritically from whatever source is willing to give it cheaply, no matter how untrustworthy they may be. Thus the government, corporations, any powerful figures—the exact people journalism is supposed to protect us from—are able to use the media as its mouthpiece.

Conservatives have learned how untrustworthy the mainstream media is, though they seem less aware that they face the same issue with conservative media. And I really do believe a new generation, that is perhaps a little more media savvy, realizes the media is nothing more than a device for promoting mindsets the powerful interests want you to embrace. Perhaps it is a little more difficult for us who are older, because we remember media that was able to give us, if not truth, then at least scraps of honesty and bits of enriching programming. But we too are getting to the end of our rope.

It’s not over yet, the media doesn’t realize how far from reality or the needs of the people it is supposed to serve it has gone. In the next few months you will be able to see on exhibition all the skill of the competently corrupt media infrastructure spin out its poisonous web of useless and misleading information. It will present for you a final freakshow that will leave Jerry Springer and Marilyn Manson envious.

But it’s breaking down. No structure built on such shoddy foundations that seeks to reach so high can last for long. True, the damage it will cause as it crashes will be severe, but we’ll all be better off once it has fallen.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Random Political Thoughts Part 2

If failing government institutions are privatized, shouldn’t any failing private institution be seized by the state?

If a law is made so complicated that the average citizen cannot understand it, it is likely made deliberately so.

The difference between politicians and crime bosses is that politicians don’t own crime bosses.

You would think that the one thing a capitalist society would be able to teach people would be the value of thrift, the idea that in a world where nobody owes you anything that you shouldn’t spend what you don’t have. But in fact it teaches you the exact opposite. Billions of dollars are spent in advertising in order to entice you to buy what you do not need and cannot afford. The message is driven into your head that “you’re worth it”, “you deserve a break today”. You are repeatedly told not only on television and radio advertisement that your value as a human being is reflected in the kind of car you drive, the kind of clothes you wear, and the size of your television set. Your lawn cannot look adequate unless you spend on the proper tools and chemicals, your skin is repulsive if you do not use the proper acne cream and moisturizers, your gym membership means nothing if you aren’t dressed in Under Armor. Furthermore, you do not adequately care for your child if you do not dress him in the stylish clothes, nor do you love your dog if you do not buy the stuffed toys in the form of the latest licensed television or movie characters. And yet there are those who blame the government for society’s sense of entitlement.

The difference between the market crash of 1929 and 2008 was that in one you had rich investors jumping out of windows and in the other you had them going to the government for bailouts.

We’ve gone from a nation of bakers, grocers, farmers, etc. to a nation of temp workers.

No politician pushes a law without a general clamor for such a law. And if he does, he’s up to no good. The one thing conservatives and liberals can probably agree upon is that we have enough laws. Laws should only be passed when politicians are responding to voters’ concerns.

Capitalism favors the rat that deserts a sinking ship over the captain who goes down with it.

Debt is good…for bankers, for the IMF, for employers who hold their workers by their economic short and curlies.

The two political parties are like Coke and Pepsi, and they are not against each other so much as they are against a plentiful supply of clean drinking water.

The media is socially liberal, economically conservative, and always pro-war.

The Luddites sought to destroy the machines the developed during the industrial revolution because they resulted in even greater misery for those who did the work, rather than take ownership of them. Today the Tea Party seeks to do the same thing with the government. Rather than take ownership of it, they seek to destroy it. It did not work in the time of the Luddites, nor will it work now.

Politics these days are all about looks, the right smile and the perfect hairstyle. Why it is unlikely today that anyone would vote for a candidate who had wooden teeth.

The invention of money was the creation of a system that decides who has enough food to throw away and who starves. And those with enough of it laugh and say the only alternative to the system we have is for all of us to starve. They see astutely enough that everyone can be guilty of being greedy, but then assume society should be based upon greed since there can be no other human motivation as powerful.

If auto companies are willing to install software to cheat emission standards, what makes you think they don’t spend money to promote junk science?

If you don’t think people should live off the work of others, you should support a 100% inheritance tax.

Politics that appeal to your emotions rather than your intellect are always dangerous. If you feel your pulse start to pound and the anger rise within you, step away.

We are all living in a third world nation now. No country is safe from having its natural resources stripped bare by foreign corporations and sold overseas.

Libertarianism: The mystical belief that corporations care about fairness and the free market.

If patriotism is a scoundrel’s last refuge, then the concept of freedom is his first sales pitch.

Our job creators need to be held accountable. If they are unwilling to create jobs unless the entire country bows down to them as though they were gods to be worshipped, perhaps it is time to take their job creating power away from them and place it into the hands of those who are less selfish and self-serving

How did immigrants assimilate into American culture in the past? It happened when they moved into a neighborhood and the neighbors stopped by to introduce themselves, bringing with them a dish to share. In this way bridges were crossed, and whatever cultural divides that existed were broken down by simple human kindness. We've lost that ability, lost the idea of community based on proximity, and that is a pity.

The problem with capitalism is the problem with anything else: the belief that if some is good then more is better.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Cognitive Dissonance

There are some thoughts that, if held together in the same skull, should simply cause one's brain to fizz over like they were baking soda and vinegar. Or explode, like combining dynamite and a flame. And yet some people are able to carry around within their minds these incompatible, deeply volatile opposites without causing apparent harm, to themselves at least:

 Because welfare is abused, we must make it harder to acquire
Because guns are abused, we must not make it harder to acquire them.

It’s not the government’s role to tell me how to live my life.
America should have a federal law that says everyone should speak English.

Belief that we are living in the end of times without proof.
The need for absolute proof before acting on global warming.

There have been some alleged voting regularities, therefore we should impose somewhat upon people’s right to vote by mandating voter ID.
There have been a lot of mass shootings lately, but you better not interfere with my sacred Second Amendment rights.

Politicians know nothing about business and should stop trying to regulate it.
Politicians know nothing about education but should hold schools to be accountable.

People who are given everything never learn to work for themselves.
We should do away with the inheritance tax.

We believe in American exceptionalism, that it is our nation’s role to lead the way.
Why should we be the ones to do something about climate change when China is polluting more than we are?

Climate scientists are being alarmists in order to make money.
Oil industry execs are only interested in the unbiased truth.

Wisconsin Republicans should change civil service laws to make it easier to fire people not doing their job.
Wisconsin Republicans should get rid of the option to recall the governor.

Slavery happened 150 years ago and blacks should get over it.
Don't take my rebel flag away from me!

P.S. If this list is skewed liberal, let it be known I intend a Part 2 of Cognitive Dissonance.