Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Syria, Russia, and What I Can Say With Certainty (Part 1)

Part 1: The Behavior of President Assad

I cannot say for certain President Bashar al-Assad did not use chemical weapons on his own people. It would have been a foolish thing to do, epically foolish. If he did so, his actions will go down in history as one of the stupidest deeds ever committed, along with the Trojans deciding to open their gates for a present from their enemies. But I have no way of knowing whether or not he actually did it.

If Assad gassed his own people right when his chances for survival seemed most likely, he would have had to been out his mind when he did it, because the U.S. has been looking for an excuse to overthrow the government in Syria for three decades and the impulse has been growing in intensity these last few years. He would have to be more than clinically depressed or even suicidal to hand the U.S. the perfect excuse. The insanity required to do what Assad is accused of doing would have gone way beyond even Norman Bates-dress-like-your mother-and-murder-people crazy, because Norman Bates at least had the good sense of keeping his behavior out of the public eye. No, using chemical weapons on his own people would have required President Assad to be full-on, bath salts, eat-the-face-of-some-dude-while-the-cops-are-watching kind of crazy. But I’m not saying he didn’t do it.

And if Assad did use chemical weapons on his own people after making a bargain to get rid of all his chemical weapons, he must have been out of his mind on more than one occasion, the other time being when the Russians explained to him what it would take for him to make it out of his predicament alive. See, Russia stuck its neck out in a way it never has before for President Assad. They made a very diplomatic move and got the world to agree that Assad could stay in power if he agreed to give up his chemical weapons. Russia must have been very clear in its instructions to Assad, telling him exactly what he needed to do to survive. For Assad to have ignored the Russians when they explained this must mean he was out of his mind then as well. Perhaps not bath salts crazy, but at least stoned out his gourd. “Bashar, you must not give the U.S. the slightest bit of provocation or they will use it to overthrow your government and Syria will be a steaming post-apocalyptic version of its former self. Do you understand?” “Yeah, dude, we’re cool. Hey, you got any Twinkies, Boris?” But I’m not saying Assad did not do what he is accused of.

If Putin stuck his neck out the way he did, and Assad was keeping a couple of chemical weapons stashed away just for a special moment, then I would think Putin would want to bomb Assad himself. What kind of man betrays the person who has saved his life just so he can go out in a blaze of glory, chemical weapons blazing? And how stupid must Putin be—while at the same time being smart enough to get his candidate elected President of the United States by deceiving everybody who didn’t vote for Hillary, of course—to put his faith in someone with a death wish?

But Assad cannot be behaving the way he is as a way of suicide-by-cops, as we say here in the U.S. He knows just what is at stake. He knows if the savages—I mean moderate rebels—take control of his country what will happen. He’s seen it before when the American-backed brutal-er, moderate rebels anal-raped Gadhafi before killing him. It will be worse for Assad. They’re not just going to rape him, they’re going to kill his family, and brutally oppress the Religious minority to which he belongs.

Moderate though they may be, the rebels the U.S. has been backing have been capable of some rather immoderate behavior, behavior such as beheading twelve-year-old boys and eating the internal organs of their slain foes. They are the same type of people who killed dozens of Coptic Christians as they were in church for Palm Sunday service last week. They’re the same sort of people we use as an excuse for not allowing Syrian refugees into our country. Far better to let them stay in Syria and fight for freedom. They’re good enough to be the face of freedom against tyranny in the perpetually messed-up Middle East, but God forbid they ever get within our borders. Let’s face it, as far as moderates go, they’re kind of on the far end of the spectrum.

By the way, don’t believe it is mere speculation as to the behavior of these cannibalistic moderate rebels. The video of the actions of these child murdering moderate rebels is available for all to see on the internet. No need to take the word of anonymous sources from secret agencies, the facts are pretty hard to deny.

But all of this is not my way of saying Assad did not gas his own people at the very moment his safety, the safety of his family and his fellow Alawites seemed assured after a years-long bloody struggle. There are many people in this world with extreme sexual fetishes, perhaps being anal raped before being murdered is one of Assad’s. I have no way of knowing for sure. Unlike our news media, I have no access to anonymous sources from agencies who only want what’s best for Syria.

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