Thursday, September 7, 2017

Random Political Thoughts Part 8

It is said that the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Politically, we are in a similar situation. We are having the same political conversations over and over and hoping to come up with solutions. It hasn’t worked, it continues to not work, one would surmise from this that it will continue not to work. We are in a box, the Democrats being the left wall, the Republicans the right, the media the wall in front of us, and fear at our backs. We need to transcend.

It’s gotten to the point where when I hear an intelligent and thoughtful political statement, I rarely know whether it’s coming from the left or the right, though when I hear a stupid one I immediately know.

I live for the day when we learn to fear our institutions more than we fear our fellow man, for on that day war will end.

Show me a nation with mineral resources where the people profit from those resources, and I’ll show you a nation that’s in our crosshairs.

Humans have shown time and again throughout history that they are capable of incredible self-sacrifice and have the ability to band together when the times demand it of them. But—and here is the big qualifier—the desperateness of their situation must be made plain to them. This is the stumbling block we now face, an entire nation looking for a quick fix for those troubles they dare to admit, and denying altogether the problems that seem too large to contemplate. For just as humans are capable of greatness when it is needed, they are also capable of incredible amounts of complacency, distraction, and denial.

Beware those who venerate the rebels, prophets and spiritual leaders of yesterday while putting to death those that now walk among us.

Do not point out the insanity of the opposition but prove through your actions that a sane path is possible. The only cure for insanity is a commitment to sanity. The only answer to lies is the search for truth. The only thing that can save us from hatred is love.

I called myself a liberal, but then a bunch of people beholden to corporations rather than the people began calling themselves liberals. So I started calling myself a progressive, but then those same people started calling themselves progressives. So now I’m just going to say I’m for peace, since I’m pretty sure those people will never utter that word.

There are three different errors that people can make regarding conspiracy theories. The first is that all conspiracy theories are false. The second is, once one becomes convinced that a conspiracy does exist, believing every conspiracy one comes across is true. The third is becoming so lost and confused by the myriad details that one abandons the search for truth altogether.

We need to tear down the entire edifice upon which our society is based. And when I say edifice, I mean narrative. I don’t advocate tearing down the structures and institutions, that would be foolish. It is only the narrative that makes our institutions so dangerous and destructive. And the narrative that needs tearing down is this, that a society prospers best when greed is not merely the primary motivator, but the one god that must be worshipped.

The difference between liberals and conservatives is the sophistication of the con man they fall for. I’ll just mention the names Jim Baker and Donald Trump and see if you can guess which group requires a little more convincing.

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