Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Boy Who Cried Whatever Intelligence Agencies Told Him To

Once there was a village whose principle means of income was raising sheep. As the flock needed looking after 24/7, a teenage boy was selected to take the night shift. Now this boy was neither very smart nor much of a worker. All he was interested in was his video games and his cell phone. His only interest in sheep was the mutton sandwich his mother packed for him his first night of work. One wonders why the village chose such a mutton-head to guard their principal source of wealth. My guess is his father was well-connected and his mother was eager to get him out of her house that smelled like Axe Body Spray and Taco Bell from his constant presence.

The kid was not eager to do his job, and to make matters worse, his cell phone wasn’t getting any connection out there in the pasture! After a few moments grumbling, followed by a few more spent distracting himself by teasing the sheep, the boy stumbled upon a (to his mind at least) genius idea. At the top of his lungs he started yelling “Wolf! Wolf!” And sure enough, within a matter of minutes, he could see a series of lanterns being lit and carried towards him by awakened villagers.

The kid was as amused as hell by this, the villagers not so much. But that made it all the more fun for the kid, who did the same thing the next night and the night after. Eventually, the amount of people who came to check on him dwindled, but it didn’t matter to the kid because the ones who did show up were even angrier than before. Until, one night, his face lit by the cell phone he gazed into, the boy thought he heard a noise. Finishing up his text and hitting send, the boy scanned the pasture in search of any sign of wolves. But as his eyes were used to staring into a lit screen, he couldn’t even see the white sheep, let alone any wolf prowling in the shadows.

So it wasn’t until the shit hit the fan that the boy realized there were wolves amidst the flock. Like the little spaz he was, he ran around, wildly crying “Wolf! Wolf!” while posting “OMG. Wolves!!!” on Twitter. But nobody came because nobody believed him.

And that is the end of the story as you know it. Most people assume the kid was eaten by the wolves and justice was done, but that wasn’t the case. See, in the real world, it is always the innocent sheep who suffer while those in charge go on to bigger and better things. While both are dumb and easily frightened, sheep, not pimply teenagers, are the preferred dinner of wolves. When the option is between a tasty lamb and a kid who reeks of Axe Body Spray and has metal piercings in unusual places, the wolf is going to go ovine every time.

So the kid got away with his life. Not only that, an intelligence agency that had been observing his Twitter account really appreciated his moxie, his attitude, and his ability to commit to a story. They hired him on to work for them.

You might be familiar with some of his work. Some years ago he wrote a story about wolves breaking into the sheep incubators and eating the children alive. You see, the pasture is gone now. The village was pretty much decimated by the loss of their sheep. Fortunately, Sheep Tech© saw the pasture as a great business opportunity and the state’s governor gave them a sweetheart deal on taxes to move there. So instead of sheep in a pasture, there is now a factory farm. Those few villagers who chose to stay saw their real estate value plummet even farther as the smell of sheep dung has become most intolerable. (The boy, who moonlights as a spokesman for Sheep Tech©, says it’s not bad and really rather reminds him of the old pasture days. He calls the smell “bucolic”).

The kid’s really grown up since his first temp job, as he now refers to it. Not only did he sell the wolves in the incubator story, he followed it up with the story about the wolves developing WSDs (Weapons Of Sheep Destruction). As with most of his stories, he’s had to lay low while the fallout happens, but once again he’s back to announce confidently that the wolves are up to their old tricks again. It’s a different pack of wolves this time, Eurasian wolves with sharp teeth dripping saliva in anticipation over feasting upon the carcass of our democratic institutions.

The valley wherein the pasture once lay, where now sits Sheep Tech’s© massive factory farm, has few people left nowadays. What with downsizing and automation, there isn’t much call for autonomous human beings anymore. But there is a greater herd of sheep than ever before, and their freedom and democratic institutions are of paramount importance to Sheep Tech©, which is why Sheep Tech’s© executives were so shocked to learn that the wolves were once again up to their dirty, underhanded tricks.

It seems that the wolves have been conspiring to disrupt the sheep’s sacred freedom to opt for which slaughter tunnel they entered, the left one or the right one. Apparently, at least according to the kid whose job it is to inform the sheep, these wolves have been leading the sheep to choose the slaughter tunnel on the right by telling the sheep the tunnel on the left leads to them having a steel pin shoved through their heads and then their bodies stripped of all their meat to be sold in supermarkets. Now even the kid whose job it is to warn the sheep about the danger of wolves has to admit that what the wolves were (allegedly but uncontestably) saying was true, but the mere fact they (allegedly but most certainly) said it proves what a danger the wolves are. Now more than ever, cried the boy, we need to fear the wolves.

And the sheep did what sheep do. They gathered frightened in a herd and looked for someone to lead them, which the people at Sheep Tech© most obligingly did. But as unintelligent, docile, and easily spooked as sheep can be, there is a limit to the amount of times they will respond to the habitual shrill cry of “Wolf! Wolf!” A trick that works once may work again, may work many, many times, but eventually, if only through weariness, the sheep will refuse to react to the boy and his well-worn game. And on that day they will prove themselves to be more than mere sheep.

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