Thursday, May 11, 2017

Random Political Thoughts Part 4

I can't help thinking there are some good suggestions and observations here:

Progress is made not so much when the right politicians are elected but when the wrong politicians are forced to do the right thing by political movements. After all, politicians are whores, and it is up to us to remind them who the pimp is.

The same motivational speech a plantation owner gives to his heir he will give also to his slaves: work hard and you will be rewarded. Sage advice to the one, cynical propaganda to the other.

Money spent on barriers against others is money not spent on bridges. An efficient society is one that does not seek to place impediments in the way of natural movements, but instead directs much needed energy into channels where it can benefit society as a whole.

Since we no longer vote for the candidate we like but rather against the candidate we dislike, our ballots should reflect that. Each ballot should ask you to vote against the candidate you most dislike, the one you would least want to have run our country. In that way we could eliminate the worst possible choices, which is what we seem to have ended up with using our current system.

People should be paid according to the value they provide to society and capitalism has been a poor arbiter of worth. The people who grow our food, make our clothes, and clean our bathrooms provide real value. When we lose sight of the obvious we are lost.

A Message From Consumer Capitalists: We consider your children to be open receptacles for our messages, our products and our poisons. We will do anything to extract money from them by whatever means necessary. Usually this involves playing upon their insecurities and appealing to their basest desires. If this leaves them as moronic diabetics without morals or any prospect to free themselves from lifelong debt, we don’t care. It is not your children but our right to make a profit that is sacred to us. That is what we refer to when we talk about freedom. If we get your children in our clutches it is not us who are to blame but you for being such bad parents. Any attempt to work together to oppose us will be considered anti-American. Any questions?

The greater the discrepancy in wealth among people, the greater the need for violence to maintain it.

After his presidency, Bill Clinton looked around and asked himself what more he could do for his fellow man. His answer was to establish the Clinton Foundation. In the process, he slipped and fell into a hundred million dollars.

If you require an enemy in order to rally people to your own cause, it is you who are the problem.

The truth is the free market runs as well as a driverless car. All it knows how to do is keep the wheels spinning, but it invariably crashes after picking up a head of steam. All those who call for a free market—with the exception of the true believers—are really calling for a market they are free to direct.

The U.S has 5% of the world’s population yet consumes 66% of the world’s painkillers. I blame socialism.

The system is broken and it is foolish to believe that those who benefit from it are going to fix it.

If you went to another country to fight for my freedoms and then came back and tell me to keep quiet, you’re doing it wrong.

The world is watching, America, but like Honey Boo Boo’s family, we lack the self-awareness to understand how we are viewed.

Over 40 years after the event, The U.S. government admitted to dropping 2.5 million tons of bombs on Laos. What are we doing now that will not be admitted for another forty years?

     To the degree that you transform the world, you are responsible for it. To the degree that people must live in an environment you have created, you are responsible for them. Nobody would say you are responsible to feed a stray dog, but once you allow it into your home you are to blame if it is malnourished. There are laws against abuse and neglect, though there are none against indifference to the suffering of others.
     Similarly, if you create a political or economic atmosphere in which people are forced to live, you become responsible for them. Don’t like, it? Too bad. If you want the rewards you must accept the responsibilities that go with them.
     To say that government cannot help the less fortunate among us is simply abdicating your responsibility for others. It’s an easy excuse to let yourself off the hook. Government is a tool to help correct the injustices of the world, a way to help those crushed not only by forces beyond society’s control but by forces we have created. We pretend we have something called a free market, but no business man refrains from altering it whenever the possibility presents itself. Nobody is so naïve to believe that an entrepreneur places the purity of the market conditions over his desire for profit.
So the market is skewed, the economic landscape is altered by those seeking profit. You have altered the terrain and are responsible for how your actions affect others. If you accepted your responsibility there would be no problem and no need for government intervention. But you didn’t and there is and it must.
     Government is a tool, and like any other tool it has the potential to cause damage if not used properly or abused. But a tool used properly helps us to fashion a better society. We need to become skilled in the use of government, just as you spend long hours of practicing to better use that set of golf clubs you spent too much for.
     If you think that the free market and the churches and non-profits can do the job better, then go to it. Do such a good job that we do not need a government program. But had we left things up to now in the hands of business and charities, we would have seen the end of capitalism not long after the beginning of The Great Depression. 

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