Friday, April 13, 2018

The Beast

The Beast

I am going to speak the truth that is in my heart and you may judge its truth by the way it resonates in your own heart, though at first the rubbish that has accumulated in your mind may make you resistant to it. I wish to speak to you of Russia and Syria and violence and fear. I will cut across the narratives that are pushed at you by media whose interest is not to inform you so you can form your own opinion but to form your thoughts so your opinion is theirs. That is what the media does, it is not your friend, it is the most conniving of enemies. It is the marketing tool of the oligarchs who profit from war.

The media is interested in profit, and well-rewarded are those who sell the news to you. The news itself is merely an appendage of a much larger profit-seeking system whose goals are only ever accidentally or secondarily to the benefit of the human race. It is a system that sees everyone and everything in competition with each other and seeks in that situation to get for itself all that it can. It is composed of individuals who either see the world the same way, learn to see it in that way in their pursuit of professional goals, or else are compelled to work for it through shear self-preservation. It is a system that has taken on a life of its own and has no interest other than profit for itself regardless of the eventual cost to humanity or the planet. In pursuit of profit and victory-through-competition it is deadly efficient and cunningly wise, but beyond such limited goals it is utterly blind. It is focused right now on Syria and on Russia. It sees nothing but triumph in this limited arena, regardless of the big picture.

This is not to paint either Russia or Syria as noble entities defying the terrifying force of the dominant predatory institutions of the world. They are what they are. Whether humane or self-serving in and of themselves, they are now the chosen target of the largest beast of the jungle. Should they be consumed by the beast, it shall grow that much stronger, with little or no competition left in the fight for survival. Its primary objectives accomplished, it will set its eyes on other targets and suppress the average human being on this planet with greater impunity.

Profit is its only objective, and it will use any tool available to gain it. And feasting upon it, it will never be sated, it will only want more. When it gazes at a country like Russia or Syria, it does not see a people, a culture, a history, or a unique facet of the human race. It only sees Russia in terms of its assets, its mineral wealth and its capacity for crop growth. While lacking the hatred of Hitler’s view of Russia, it nonetheless has all the lack of empathy of a homicidal psychopath.

The dominant system has no patriotic ties to any nation, its only concern is profit. Though it may use the military of particular nations, it does not do so for the benefit of those within that nation. Though it may claim that it works in the interests of a particular people, that is merely the narrative spun by the marketing department of the beast.

The essential story it spreads is that war is not a tool it wishes to use but is, sadly, always necessary. The truth is that war will always be required because their goals cannot be advanced without the use of force. Strength is needed when taking not only more than it needs but all that it can carry. And when it can carry no more, then it needs to enlist the unwilling help of others to carry it for them. You see, when those who are taken from no longer wish to carry what is being plundered from them, others need to be employed to force them to do it.

The beast wishes to divide everyone and everything. Its existential enemy is the idea that people are cooperative by nature. Its dystopia is a world run by democratic principles where individual people feel as if they have some input. Spiritual notions are to it like holy water sprinkled at a vampire. Truth is its kryptonite, it attempts to keep it in lead-lined boxes. It doles out in fancy boxes free gifts to everyone something it calls truth but does not bear resemblance to it once the wrapping paper is taken from it.

Those who comprise the beast are essentially a death cult. They do not see the world as a living thing but as dead capital. They do not see trees, they see lumber sales, do not see humans but only labor and consumers. They do not see the beauty of nature but only raw materials. In the end one must choose whether to see the world through a spiritual or a material perspective, and they have chosen the material. Everything is an object, even living beings. Ancient cultures were rooted in nature, saw spirits in the rivers and the trees and the animals. Those within the death cult see only possessions to be gained. They do not see the transcendental interconnectedness of all things, they see only how big a pile they can make for themselves of the things, mere things, that surround them.

And seeing no interconnectedness, they view all who oppose them as enemies to be extinguished or subjugated. They cannot conceive of the idea of coexistence, can only perceive of conquest. When it cannot be accomplished through economic means, then force is required. Always is it spun by the marketing arm as something other than conquest, but the beast does not see through human eyes. It does not view war through a moral lens but as a way to advance an agenda.

And the beast is NEVER the one to pay the cost of war. That price is paid by its victims, those who fight and are damaged by the sins in which they must partake, it is paid by those who are honest enough to do real labor and pay their fair share of taxes. No, the beast profits and grows richer through war.

The beast as it exists now is a hodgepodge of selfish interests that have found it useful to act together so that each may grow more wealthy and powerful. It is the accumulation of all who have more than they will ever need and yet need more. The beast is the existential enemy of humanity and the environment because concepts such as the environment and humanity do not exist in the mind of the beast or those who serve it.

The beast lives within Russia and Syria, too. Those beasts must also be faced, but not by supporting the still greater beast. We must oppose the beast where we find it, must oppose first the beast that causes the most damage. We must oppose the beast that destroys in our name and only then can we help the Russians and the Syrians find ways to combat the violence and greed that attempts to speak for them.

The beast wants to drain the last spark of humanity in you, because it is antithetical to the beast and its vision. The beast wants you to feel helpless and hopeless so that you will bow before it. Surely there is something within you that urges resistance.

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