Sunday, March 22, 2020

Random Political Thoughts: The Joe Biden Edition

Before you blame me for helping Trump by poking fun at Joe Biden, please keep in mind all the fun I poked at Trump leading up to the election. Obviously, it had no impact on who won.

Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Joe who?
Joe Bi the…go…you know the thing.

Of all the turds in the toilet that is the Democratic Party, I never imagined it would be Joe Biden who would float to the top.

Young girls are being instructed to socially isolate themselves from Joe Biden

The freedom to vote for the lesser of two evils doesn’t really feel like freedom to me. The only way I can feel free is to refuse to do what is demanded of me.

I've heard people say they's support Joe Biden if he was the candidate, but I still have never heard anybody actually admit to having voted for Joe Biden.

Even if you're a total Blue No Matter Who person, I have to think you can't help feel a little let down by the Democrats. Like, after four years of coming up with a solution, is this really the best they could do? And I have to wonder if you're starting to think you should have held the bar a little bit higher than "anybody but Trump". 

The goal is unchanged from what it was before, to bring down the system of which the Democratic Party is a part.

It has been suggested that one of the greatest causes of the spread of the coronavirus in the United States has been Joe Biden’s inappropriate touching.

A vote for Joe Biden in the general election is a vote for the normalization of rigged primaries.

If there is not a very distinct AND or BUT after your statement “I will vote for Biden” I see certain flaws in your reasoning. As for me, there is a very distinct and capitalized NOT included in my statement “I will NOT vote for Biden.”

Go ahead, take your rusty old Biden into battle and see what happens. They say its an upgrade from their previous model, but both were made from the same blueprint. Both are weapons forged by the very enemies we need to be fighting: corporations that have usurped our democratic processes. Trump is the more obvious tool of the enemy, the more powerful weapon, but we are unlikely to win a battle and will damned sure lose the war if we rush into battle with whatever weapons are handed to us by those who grow rich by funding both sides.

When I am old, I hope I will be able to continue to fight for what I think is right and inspire young people like Bernie Sanders is doing. If I am unable to do that, I at least hope I am as clueless about what I'm doing as as Joe Biden is.

In the midst of global crisis, Joe Biden is proving his ability to vanish from sight.

What if Trump found dirt on Joe Biden in Ukraine and is just waiting for the general to use it?

Trump needs to learn a lesson from Joe Biden and keep a low profile for a while so he doesn’t say anything stupid.

If you were the captain of the Titanic and you had a giant iceberg to your starboard, and another giant but slightly smaller iceberg to your port, which would you try to avoid? If you answered port, then you will vote blue no matter who. If you refused to confine yourself to these two options, the small iceberg people are going to blame you for the ship going down.

DNC would have been just as happy with an old Odor Eater shoe insert as their nominee so long as it didn't threaten the interests of their donors.

I’ve seen the Democratic Party repeatedly sell its soul in order to win an election, but never before have I seen them so utterly sell it for utter failure.

Joe Biden's not hiding. He's been busy making 78 recordings with his message on them and sending them in the mail to voters. Expect them to arrive in your mail box in the next week. Clean your stylus.

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