Monday, May 7, 2018

The Media's War On Spirituality

Spirituality is either the result of having a comfortable enough place to reflect upon the meaning and purpose of human existence, or else it is the result of such suffering that one has no choice but to retreat inward in search of ways to cope. The most spiritual among us are those who embrace both ends of the spectrum, those who forsake physical comforts in order to have the time to focus on the meaning that can be found in simplicity. I refer to the religious, who can be found in any primitive society, from Buddhists to Taoists, to Christians, Muslims and Jews. And I refer to primitive societies because I wonder if it is even possible to retreat from the modern society that now exists.

Economically, we should have arrived at a point where we are all comfortable enough to afford the time and space necessary to reflect upon spiritual matters, but the economic engine that was so good at creating convenience and answers to physical want also demands of us our undivided attention. A capitalist economy soon realized it needed to become a consumer society in order to further itself, so that wealth creation went from beyond the merely physical to the psychological. In order to maintain a system that can give happiness on merely a physical level, they needed to eradicate from people’s consciousness any thoughts of achieving happiness through non-economic means.

When people are neither actively purchasing or consuming or else creating goods or services for others, they must either be lulled into a stupor or else be driven to distraction by emotional provocation. They must be given constant distractions so that their thoughts never stray to the spiritual perspective, which revolts in the face of such mindless creation and consumption. To distract from the spiritual, they must never let minds stay too long on a single subject. A mind left alone too long might start out on a path of self-directed thoughts. Interrupt it every few minutes or even seconds, and the mind is forced to respond to outside stimuli and forget whatever internal ideas that might be bubbling beneath the surface. Scatter the pieces of the puzzle at regular intervals, and the puzzle solver will never be able to put them together to form a coherent image.

Thus we have commercials on television to take us from those very rare instances when a compelling argument or narrative is taking place. And what was once an every fifteen minute or so break has become more frequent. Live shows, that once had a single camera resting upon a scene for moments at a time as it played out, have been replaced by the hyper-editing introduced to us on MTV in the 80’s.

News channels not only give us one story, they give us many concurrently. They have the narrative spoken by the host, but they also have a running stream of information below it. Add to that the constantly shifting graphics all about and the mind is always in motion, never permitted to orient itself.

This is not a stylistic choice, not some mere fad that has come and will then move to some other style. The immense amounts of information that is thrown at you on CNN and elsewhere is not an attempt to keep you as informed as possible in a hectic and changing world, it is a way to insure your mind is always kept busy, because a busy mind is always concerned with the surface noise, and is never able to plunge the depths of issues. The media has created a kinetic Potemkin village, one of pure flash and no substance. It is not merely useless, it is distracting. No useful knowledge can be gained from such a system of information dispersal. It does not permit you to connect with your rational nor spiritual aspects, it merely demands you absorb. It does not give, it demands obeisance.

It—the media—is not there to inform you. It is not there to help you become a more active member of a democratic society. It is there to keep your emotions heightened so your intellect is never in the driver’s seat. It is there to prime you for the people who make the commercials and pay the bills. It is there to wear down your defenses. And since it is so all-encompassing, it inevitably will. When it does not leave you feeling stupid it will leave you feeling helpless. And for those most in its control, you will be left feeling intelligent and powerful while having a grasp neither on truth nor on the reins of power.

But as powerful and omnipresent as the media is, it needs your help. It requires you to betray your most basic values in order for it to be effective. If you stay true to the values your parents and your teachers and your religious institutions have sought to instill in you, the media cannot control you. It may dress itself up as your mother, but it will never tell you to share with others. It may say it speaks for Christ, but it will never tell you to cast your bread upon the waters. It may quote from revered historical figures, but it will do so only in order to corrupt the spirit of what they have said. Peace and love are perhaps the most revered words echoed by family and church, but they will never be spoken in the media, because peace and love don’t help sell automobiles. The degree to which you do not hear the Sermon On The Mount Spoken on your television is the degree to which the media is working against your best interests and the interests of all humanity.

What can you do to escape from the insidious influence of the media? Find a source untainted by it. Pick up an old book, watch an old (black and white) movie. Step outside your era because it is only in this way you can step outside of the cultural milieu created by a media that has become both incredibly concentrated and far-reaching. If you must consume current media, then listen to genuinely independent news, art, and music. Get outside and in touch with the physical world around you, with whatever nature is left to you. Dig in the garden, walk in the woods, listen to the birds. Rebuild the connections that were all your forefathers ever knew so that you have a frame of reference built on something of substance.

It is time to step away from the television and get out in the streets. It is time to stop listening to the lies and start speaking the truth. Because here is the idea most feared by a mechanized and monetized media, the secret it seeks above all else to keep from you: that you are in control not only of your own life but are part of a society that can direct the future for itself, without the need for them. We as rational and caring human beings can construct a world where lying and coercion will be unnecessary, where force will be seen as a tool of the unjust. Because in order to build a functional society, you don’t need to be controlled, you need to be liberated.

Saturday, May 5, 2018


I chanced upon our local paper, a USA Today tendril, and was captivated by this headline: The Smell Of Death Still Fills Mosul (Subhead: Bodies of Islamic State terrorists and their victims strewn among the rubble a year after liberation fight). From the text of the article comes this line “Nearly a year after…city liberated from the Islamic State, a putrid odor still fills the air from thousands of corpses left in the rubble.” This, more than fifteen years after the United States invaded Iraq under false pretenses. Fifteen years of untold catastrophic loss of human life, culture, history, and human suffering. Being in another country for fifteen years is not war, it is occupation. American children who were then three years of age are now old enough to join in the next major operation that will no doubt occur within the next year or two.

And yet in all that time no one has been held accountable for their selling of a war that has caused so much suffering and had nothing to do with the narrative of Weapons of Mass Destruction that was so arrogantly thrust down our throats by the mainstream media, think tanks, our politicians, and intelligence agencies. Nobody who was then in a position of power told the truth, and yet no one in any position of power has been taken from that position. The status quo remains the same. The only difference is that those who lied to us then were promoted while those who told us the truth have been banished from the major arteries of information dissemination. As a result, those who pushed the war have become emboldened by the fact that they suffered no consequences for their criminal behavior. They have been taught the very unfortunate lesson that they can act with impunity, and you can bet it is a lesson that has been learned. Why, even at this moment that are actively en-

Holy shit! I just saw that Russia hacked the DNC emails. WTF? It’s true, I just heard it from the Washington Post who quoted anonymous sources within intelligence agencies. I can’t believe Russia would-

OMG!!. Russia hacked the Vermont power grid. What the hell is going on?

Okay, never mind about that. Apparently, they didn’t—


Okay, I guess the French government said after the election that there was no evidence of Russian interference. Which, I guess if you think about it, means that the U.S. totally influenced the French election by claiming Russia tried to influence the French-

Hold EVERYTHING!. This is how insidious the Russian plot to subvert our free and fair election system--which has time after time provided us with the best of all possible candidates--really is. They actually used Pokemon Go to influence voting. Holy shit, there are apparently 13 Facebook trolls saying things about American politics that doesn’t jibe with what CNN is telling us, including a picture of a buff Bernie Sanders. RT is allowing people like Chris Hedges and Jesse Ventura to say things and Jimmy Dore and Caitlin Johnstone and Jill Stein and anyone to the left of Hillary are being used as useful idiots by Russia and Russian bots on Twitter are encouraging distrust of our honorable and glorious mainstream media institutions and spreading the absolute falsehood that Uncle Sam loves some of his darker-skinned nephews and nieces less than others and OMG(squared) Russia poisoned a former double agent in Britain and hacked Joy-Ann Reid's blog in order to smear her as a homophobe and…

That’s all the time I have for this blog post. I’m sorry I went off-topic, but I’m sure you understand my need to do so. Please join me tomorrow as I discuss how the United States armed the very terrorist organizations they told us were existential threats to our very way of life in order to-

Holy Shit! Assad just gassed his own people!!! Change of plans.