Tuesday, January 14, 2020

When You Let Other People Fight For Your Freedom, You Get Crappy Freedom

When it comes to war, our response is almost always emotional rather than rational. Mostly it is fear, but there are even worse emotions that can be triggered: hatred, pride, misplaced loyalty, feelings of inadequacy that lead to meek obedience to sadists. We are never masters of ourselves when we permit our emotions to lead us.

I’ve experienced it myself. Everyone who’s been alive for the last few decades has experienced it. It is hard, perhaps impossible, to avoid extreme emotions when it comes to war and the chaos and destruction that comes with it. It is easy to surrender to the authority of those who are willing to tell us what to do. It’s so much easier to feel than it is to remain calm and think.

As hard as it was on September 11, 2001, the emotions that accompany war have become even more draining in the ensuing years. Human beings are designed to deal with crises, but we are not designed to deal with long-term stress and emotional dissonance. Humans do not wear well when subjected to extended periods of anxiety.

The last three years have been especially hard for me. 2 years ago, we were looking at a potential super power conflict erupting over the war in Syria. Last year, I was watching the attempted coup in Venezuela, which hit me especially hard because my son and daughter-in-law were living there and experiencing it firsthand. Finally, this year, when tensions and bad behavior increased between the U.S. and Iran to the point where all bets are off in terms of where it will lead. You cannot have a healthy nation when those who rule not only engage in such unhealthy behavior but subject those who are ruled to constant emotionally loaded propaganda

Those who oppose war against countries that are not directly involved in attacks on U.S. soil—and I suspect that is the majority of us—are affected most profoundly by the emotional impact of war. It is we who feel the fear not only of war itself but the fear of those who aim their hatred and threats against those who are not easily caught up in the propaganda and jingoism that accompany war. Too often, we remain silent as others who are overcome with the hysteria of impending war tell us we are betraying our own country for daring to react in rational rather than emotional ways. Every question we ask, every caution we suggest, is perceived as Anti-American. And so, overcome by not only our own emotional impulses but by the out of control emotional reactions of others, we remain silent, phrase our questions timidly, keep our heads down. We choke our emotions down and let them rot at our guts.

No more. This last episode with the assassination of an Iraqi general has made it clear to me I can no longer physically tolerate being led by the gaslighting intelligence agencies, media, and politicians. 

I’m done.

I’m not going to waste another large chunk of my short time on earth being fearful. And I’m not going to spend the rest of my life silenced. I’ve given those who have tried to silence me and control me nearly 20 years of my life. They have only proven that I should have heeded my own instincts in the first place and ignored their bullying.

We all have to keep our lips zipped during times of war, we all have to cease from questioning those who lead us while the lives of our soldiers are on the line. Well, guess what? It’s been 20 years now and there is no end of war in sight. Am I supposed to shut up for the rest of my life and live in the fear that results from being forced to behave in a way not of my choosing?

It aint happening. Not anymore. I’ve spent most of my life self-censoring and going along with those who insisted they were right when I always knew they were wrong.

I’m not afraid anymore. The burden of fear has become greater than anything I’ve feared. What are you going to do to me, put me in jail? I would feel freer speaking my mind in prison than living in a prison of fear of my own design.

I want to live joyfully, and with love. We all do. This cannot be done in a nation that is perpetually at war. Therefore, it is the task of our politicians and those who direct our foreign policy to find healthy alternatives to war. No successful leader leads us into war. War is failure. Perpetual war is perpetual failure. Blaming others and telling those you lead to shut up are the actions of failures and bullies.

There are adults now living who have never been free of war censorship and the fear that accompanies war. There are adults in this country right now who have no real appreciation of what it means to be free. They are free only to play in the cage our political and economic leaders have designed, where they are permitted to compete against each other for pieces of papers or numbers on a screen. We are all free to chase our economic interests so long as we refrain from questioning the war machine. We are free so long as we do not demand democracy or truth or a sustainable planet. That is the freedom of the gladiator.

Of course they say I must be quiet because they are fighting for my freedom. What freedom? Your wars mean that I have to keep quiet and fearful and walk around with my head down. I am only permitted to speak up when I speak in support of your wars. Well you don’t have to worry about fighting for my freedom anymore, because I’m going to fight for my own freedom. I’m sure I’ll do a better job at it than you ever have. You failed.

You know what you call a government that subjects its citizens to unending war? A failed state. A complete and utter failure. God, it feels good to say it like it is instead of looking over my shoulder and fearing the judgment authority imposes. Freedom rocks. It feels way better than what the propaganda machine has been handing me.

20 years of war has not given me my freedom. I have taken freedom for myself. I shall guard it jealously and never again place my freedom in the hands of others who feel the need to use force in order to get what they want. I am free at last from those who claim to be fighting for my freedom. I guess freedom isn’t something authority can give you, it’s something you have to tear from authority’s hands.

Republicans And Democrats Are In Denial, Bernie Sanders Is The Only Opposition To Anyone

I’m going to tell Republican voters a truth that won’t sit well with them: Democrats would rather lose to Donald Trump than win with Bernie Sanders.

I’m going to tell Democrat voters a truth that won’t sit well with them: You cannot unite your party around a bad candidate and hope to beat Trump.

I share these unsavory truths with Democrats and Republicans because their parties are two sides of the same coin: Democrats say they want to unite their party in order to beat Trump, but what they really want to do is to give voters a bad candidate and then blame Sanders supporters for it if that candidate loses.

Elizabeth Warren is a bad candidate. Going after Trump with Warren is like going after a wood chipper with a pine board with dry rot. Warren will appeal to the same people who voted for Hillary Clinton and nobody else. Even worse, she is not as tough as Clinton and will fare worse than Clinton when debating Trump. Even worse yet, Clinton never claimed she had American Indian heritage. While I much prefer Warren to Clinton, pragmatically speaking, she will do less well than Clinton. As much as I dislike Trump, even I feel like giggling when he calls Warren “Pocahontas”.

Warren’s un-electability will become obvious when it comes time to pick a running mate. Granted, it will be impossible to choose a worse Veep than Hillary did, but there is no one Warren can choose that will gain her votes. She’ll undoubtedly pick from among those who ran for president in 2020 and it won’t be Bernie. It will be someone like Kamala Harris or Corey Booker in the hopes of winning support among the African-American community, but Booker and Harris have little support there. She might choose Buttegieg in the hopes of enticing disaffected Republicans to vote for her, but I see little chance of that working. And any nod towards the center is only going to cost her Bernie supporters who are sick to death of centrist Democrats.

On the other hand, Bernie has options for a V.P. pick that will increase his appeal. I won’t go into them now because most people aren’t mentally prepared to do something the media tells them is unfeasible, but he has some interesting outside-the-box options. I know the Blue No Matter Who crowd won't like me for saying this, but Tulsi has supporters from a wide range of voters outside the centrist Democratic horde. If the Anybody But Trump people mean what they say, then their votes are a lock regardless and everything else is gravy.

If Warren is a bad candidate, she is still better than Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttegieg, Joe Biden, or Michael Bloomberg. Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard have potential to beat Trump, but they are in the same position as Sanders in that the Democratic establishment and the MSM are actively working against them. Of the three, Bernie is clearly in the best position to become the Democratic nominee. 

Trump supporters, you are no doubt smugly confident as you realize the bad candidates the Democratic establishment are prepared to throw against your candidate. But let me remind you: the Democratic establishment would rather lose to Trump than win with Sanders. As much as you love to feel that you are the legitimate opposition to the Democrats, as much as you despise the Democrats and everything they stand for, they’re comfortable with Trump. More than that, they’re on the same page with what Trump is doing despite all the surface noise. Let me remind you that Donald Trump and Vince McMahon went at it in the wrestling ring, but they assuredly had a good laugh about it after the cameras were off and the crowd went home. Similarly, Bill and Hillary DID go to Trump’s wedding and Trump DID contribute to their campaigns. Nancy Pelosi’s son shared pics of him partying with Ivanka in Mar-a-Lago. 

Sure, Democrats aren't happy with the way Trump represents America, but they've yet to resist him on any of his dumbest, most destructive moves. Democrats have not once stood up to Trump when it comes to militarism, the environment, or the poor. If this is true, and it is undeniably so, then Trump isn't the thumb in the eye of the establishment you feel him to be.

Democrats: Sanders will beat Trump. If what you wish above everything else is to beat Trump, he is your guy. Republicans: if you want to make the establishment Democrats and the MSM media hurt, Sanders is your guy. For either Democrats or Republicans to think differently is to permit your emotions to get the better of your intellect. If this is the way you choose to go through life, I suggest you stay home on November 3. I'm sure there will be a WWE show on TV that will be more to your liking.