Thursday, September 19, 2019

When The Media Says ______, they mean _______.

A lot of people don’t follow the news because it’s easy to get lost in the details. To make matters worse, those working in the news business tend to develop jargon that is unfamiliar to the rest of us. And of course, there are those in think tanks who like to use particular terms in order to get the desired response from consumers of information. With that thought in mind, I have decided to translate newspeak for the average person in order to help them understand what’s going on in the world.

Let’s start with a simple phrase you may have been hearing a lot lately: “Blue No Matter Who”. To the uninitiated, this might be a little confusing. But if we put it through the translator, we come up with “You’re not going to get the candidate you want. We’re going to give you’re a pro-war, pro-corporatist candidate and we want you to be rabidly excited about it.” See how that works?

Here's another one: When they say special analyst for CNN, they mean CIA agent. Same translation applies to special analyst for MSNBC. Got it? Good, let’s try some others. Remember, when they say _____, what they really mean is _____.

Regime ->Any government not doing the bidding of the U.S.
Extreme Left -> New Deal Democrats
Democrat ->Republican
Centrist ->Rightwing
Republican ->Facist
Journalist ->Propagandist
Traitor ->Journalist
Dead Traitor ->Principled journalist (Arjen Kamphuis, Gary Webb, Daphne Caruana Galizia)
Russian Bot ->Anyone arguing against oligarchy or war
Russian Talking Point ->Peace
Putin Puppet -> Anyone who refuses to be a puppet for the Military Industrial Complex
Hack ->Leak
Bombshell -> A shell without a bomb
Terrorism ->Violence committed by Palestinians
Response ->Violence committed by Israel.
Preemptive Response ->Violence with an added adjective.
Measured Response ->An Israeli rocket lobbed at a Palestinian kid throwing rocks.
Provocation ->Standing too close to an Israeli fence.
Proof ->Assertions from anonymous sources within intelligence agencies
Conspiracy Theory ->Logical questions to illogical narratives
Socialist -> Anyone who who is inconvenient to the oligarchy
Socialist Dictator ->A leader of a foreign nation who believes the resources of that nation belong to the people rather than transnational corporations
Sanctions ->Siege warfare
Purist ->Anyone opposed to bombing children in other countries or corporations owning our government
Moscow Mitch ->Corporate Mitch
Failed State -> Country we’ve sanctioned into starvation

I imagine there are a lot more that could be translated. Feel free to share yours in the comments.

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