Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein And The Silence Of The Media

Those who would bother to listen to my arguments in the midst of the Russiagate madness—they were few—would ask me incredulously “Do you think everybody in the media is lying?” I would reply that I had no way of knowing what was going on inside their heads or their motivations for falling in with the herd, but their behavior was not the sort that is exhibited by journalists behaving in a professional manner. People couldn’t understand how nearly every single news outlet could get a story wrong. I too was astounded by it, but just because I couldn’t explain how such widespread hysteria was possible didn’t mean it wasn’t happening. When the news tells me it’s snowing and I look outside to see it is a warm sunny day, I’m going to go with my own common sense. I’m surprised more people don’t remember how they were sold the lie of WMD’s or babies being tossed to the floor from incubators.

Flash forward to August of this year. A convicted pedophile with ties to incredibly important people in the United States and elsewhere is found dead in his jail cell. The most important criminal in a United States prison dies and the two cameras that were supposed to be keeping tabs on him were not working. His guards were napping. A man who could potentially bring down governments, royal families, and elites of many stripes is found dead, allegedly of suicide, and the first response from the media is concern this will cause people to circulate conspiracy theories. Never once do they declare that it is their job to get to the truth of the matter, only that they have to help stomp out false narratives. Their job, they proclaim, is to await word from authorities and report what they are told.

Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell with Donald and Melania Trump
I have no desire to try to explain their behavior, only to point out that this is not what news media is supposed to be. Their task—allegedly—is to provide the facts, dig for the facts, not to silence narratives contrary to the official narrative. Just who decides what the official narrative is, anyway? In a healthy society, a little ambiguity and uncertainty is healthy. Only in abusive relationships does someone demand you accept their version of the story without asking questions.

Flash forward to the present. The story is over. Despite the fact that most everyone would like to know more about how Epstein died and about who and what he was involved with, you are likely to hear his name only when a non-employee of the media conglomerates slips “Epstein didn’t kill himself” into a live segment, such as here and here.

This is a story people would tune in to watch. The people want the truth about this, this would make the media a ton of money. And if even one mainstream station chose to cover it, every other station and newspaper would be forced to cover it as well.

Epstein With Bill Gates
But nobody is. While the media freely floats conspiracy theories about Vladimir Putin having tapes of prostitutes peeing on Trump, while Tulsi Gabbard is being called a Russian asset without anyone bothering to back it up with evidence, there is a conspiracy of silence surrounding the Jeffrey Epstein story. There is no other option but to call it a conspiracy. How exactly it works or why it exists are not something I can fully explain, nor do I care overmuch to speculate on. The only thing that concerns me is that the media is acting contrary to their stated and observable interests: to supply truth, generate viewers, and create wealth. It is undeniable that the people want more information and the media is intent on not giving it to them.

Epstein With Prince Andrew
Is this the media you are supposed to trust when they tell you there are necessary reasons to send your children off to war? The media you are to trust to tell you that the drugs your kids will be put on for the rest of their lives are safe? That the people in charge of our economy are making the best possible decisions for all of us? The media you should trust to ensure your drinking water is safe?

Turn on your television, flip through the channels, and realize that every talking head you come across has made a choice to keep silent about Jeffrey Epstein. Know that all of them are okay with protecting those who have sex with children. Know that whatever banal bullshit they are talking about is more important in their minds than teenage girls being used as sex slaves for the rich and powerful. Understand when they attempt to impart their opinions on current events that they serve the powerful and corrupt, or at least know enough not to speak out against them. For once in your life, get it through your head that the job of understanding the world you live in must be done by you and cannot be left to such people.

You cannot trust those who grow wealthy by keeping silent.

Who grow wealthy by keeping you distracted.

Joy Beyhar, who insists that she cares about women’s issues, and is silent.

Rachel Maddow, who tells you everything is Russia’s fault, and is silent.

Sean Hannity, who will warn you about Mexican rapists, and is silent.

Trevor Noah who cracks a joke about the absurdity of anyone who would question the official narrative.

Brian Williams, who tells you how beautiful missiles are, and is silent.

Anderson Cooper, who tells you to trust the system, the same system that allowed Jeffrey Epstein to die in prison, and is silent.

Ellen DeGeneres, who kisses women on TV to prove she’s a liberal, and is silent.

Every single person on television who is permitted to address the viewing public is silent.

Ask yourself how they can all stay silent while pedophiles walk free. Not pedophiles merely, but those who turn teenage girls into sex workers. All it would take is for one of them to speak up and demand answers.

And if it all seems quite unbelievable to you, ask yourself why it is you stay silent? Once you realize that you have not spoken up, you will start to understand how such a conspiracy of silence could ever happen, how a society is more concerned with protecting child predators from justice than it is protecting children from the powerful and corrupt. If we can stay silent, if we can stay willfully ignorant or misinformed on this issue, what other lies are we swallowing, what other corruption and abuses of power are we allowing to exist? How many lies and silences are we allowing the media to feed us?

Don’t ask how it is possible, simply admit that it is real. Once we as a society have done that, then we can begin to understand how it happened. Then we can begin to bring justice to those who for so long have felt themselves above it. But it will be us, not the people on the television, who will have to break the silence. 

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