Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Message To The Democratic Party

Dear Democratic Leadership:

There are a few things I’d like to make clear to you because it is apparent that for the last 3 years you’ve been living in your own fantasy world. I know you will not listen. In the 35 years I’ve been voting, you’ve made it abundantly clear that you have not been listening. For a while you pretended to, but even that gesture has been abandoned. Where once you made promises in an attempt to win our votes, you now make threats.

While I know you will not listen, I feel morally obligated to share my thoughts nonetheless. And while I know you are unfamiliar with the idea of moral obligation, there are some who may read this who are. I want to show to them, to posterity, and to myself, that I have certain principles and am willing to put those principles in writing so that others may judge me according to how well I stand by them. Again, I don’t expect you to understand.

The Democratic Party has no set of principles by which it exists. Where once I considered myself a Democrat because I believed they were the anti-war party, they have moved to the right of Donald Trump when it comes to war, goading him to bomb other nations and screaming at any promise he makes to withdraw troops from places in the world where we kill people illegally.

You set yourselves up as the opposition to President Trump and all he represents. Yes, I know Trump is an immoral buffoon, a semi-literate clown who embarrasses our country in front of the world. Yes, the Republicans have sunk lower than I could ever have imagined by electing him to be president. But let me remind you that you lost to him. Your presidential candidate could not even rise to the level of “more appealing than Trump” in the eyes of the American people. And not only did your presidential candidate lose, the ripple effect across congressional and governor races was catastrophic. If I could set aside your moral failings, the facts still remain that even with your moral compromises, you are still incapable of the very victories you claim you must compromise values in order to attain. Even purists can lose.

And while you claim the position of the only legitimate opposition to Donald Trump, you never defend any of the positions I care about. You only attack Trump—and then quite rabidly, it must be admitted—in defense of your own interests. Trump can engage in attempts at regime change in other countries, and you are in lockstep with him. Trump can go after journalists and you eagerly cheer him on so long as they are not servants of the same masters you serve like Jim Acosta. Trump can gut environmental regulations and the only resistance you put up is a symbolic one.

No, the only time you truly resist Trump is when he is going after one of your own. To that end you have pushed the farcical Russiagate narrative in order to clear yourselves of any responsibility for your loss to Trump. On that nonsensical position you have hammered away at Trump for 3 years, an attack that has only strengthened him. And only when he went after Joe Biden’s son and the undeniable evidence of nepotism did you find it fit to begin impeachment proceedings.

The environment, peace, clean water for Flint Michigan, on none of these issues are you willing to fight. The proof lies in your inaction on these issues when you held the power to do something. It is only when Trump might harm your interests, or the interests of the unelected intelligence agencies that you dare not question, that you come to life. You fight tooth and claw over power in the same way the decadent and detached European royalty once did while ignoring the interests of the average citizens. And yet you not only ask for but demand our fealty. It is like being asked to take a side between Pablo Escobar and the Cali Cartel.

You sell yourself as an inclusionary party, welcoming people of all races, religions, gender, and sexual orientation, but you only celebrate women, gays, and people of color so long as they are corporatists and warmongers. Have them speak out against people of color being bombed or young women working overseas in sweatshops to make our clothing, and they are cast out from the homogenous herd. People like Caitlin Johnstone, Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett, Glenn Greenwald, Cynthia McKinney, and countless people of integrity are ignored and even actively attacked by the Democratic establishment because they take seriously principles the Democratic Party once stood for.

The 2016 election and its aftermath has wiped the last of my illusions from my eyes. I was naïve enough to think that if the Democrats lost to Donald McDonald that you would be forced to take a long hard look at what you had become. I had no way of knowing how far your disease had progressed, how beyond redemption the Democratic machinery had gone. The inability to beat the worst presidential candidate in U.S. history was shocking, but it was nothing compared to what followed: 3 years of insane gibbering about Russian bots and buff Bernie pictures. And from all the maniacal Red Scare tactics you have engaged in, the only results you have to show for it is the silencing of dissent from progressives and ordinary citizens by billionaire social media owners and unaccountable intelligence agencies.

It is apparent to me now more than ever before that your primary goal is not to push progressive issues but to marginalize and defeat the progressive movement. That is what you stand for, that is your raison d’etre. Whatever illusions I once had that we shared common goals has been irreparably shattered by your actions.

I have abandoned the last of my illusions regarding the Democratic Party. It is time for the Democratic Party to do the same. Do not, in your wildest flights of fancy, believe that those of us on the left with a degree of integrity and honesty and clarity are in your camp or can be wooed into it. We know now that you are not an ally. However insistent your words, your actions have shown incontrovertibly that you are in league with our enemies. From henceforth, we are at war.


A Pro-peace, Pro-democracy, Progressive

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