Monday, October 14, 2019

G.I. Joe And Big Jim: A Political Parable

When I was young, I told my parents I wanted a G.I. Joe for Christmas. Clueless as they were to what it was I wanted, they ended up getting me Big Jim instead. Then they couldn’t understand why I wasn’t happy and thought that I was an ungrateful child.

It’s hard to tell an adult the difference between G.I. Joe and Big Jim. I’m sure to them they both look the same. But as a kid I knew one was the real deal and the other was a knockoff trying to capitalize on the success of the other. I mean, perhaps if there never was such a thing as G.I. Joe, then if Big Jim had come along it might have caught my attention. But the fact is, there was a G.I. Joe, he had been on the scene long before Big Jim, and was infinitely cooler. And lets face it, when it came to taking on the bad guys, G.I. Joe was bigger and way more badass.

I never asked for much as a kid, but I would have been happier had my parents bought me a pair of skates, or even a new hat, rather than buy me a Big Jim. As a rule, kids are able to spot the real deal much easier than their parents. All the parents can see is the marketing, and to them it all looks the same. Marketing works on kids, too, but once you’ve had the opportunity to play with the toy, you know what’s real and what’s not.

Bernie Sanders is G.I. Joe. Elizabeth Warren is Big Jim. The marketing firm pushing her is the Democratic Party and my parents are those people who are choosing her for me and then calling me ungrateful for not being happy about it.

But this is worse than what my parents did. Way worse. For starters, I am not a child and they are not spending their hard-earned money on me. I am an adult, and they are telling me what I’m supposed to be satisfied with. And yet they treat me like a child when I reject the present they’re trying to force upon me. Let’s face it, Warren supporters, you are not trying to do something for me, you are trying to get me to do something for you.

Just to show you how much worse this supposed present is, let me extend the metaphor. Suppose you told your parents 13 months out from Christmas that you wanted a G.I. Joe doll, and they didn’t ignorantly give you something you didn’t want, they told you over a year in advance that you couldn’t have what you wanted and that they were going to buy you a Big Jim instead.

There is no rationalization for those who profess to love you to do something like that. The only explanation for why people you care about would do such a thing is that the marketing firm pushing Big Jim dolls is really, really good at what they do. And the only way a marketing firm could be that good at selling a product is they are using really deceptive and evil practices. Sadly, that’s what marketing firms do.

Elizabeth Warren is not Bernie Sanders. She is a cheap knockoff. If she were every bit as good as Bernie, the Big Jim gear would work with my G.I Joe gear, but it doesn’t. If she truly wanted to appeal to Bernie supporters, she would have made sure to work closely with both the G.I. Joe brand and those who have no desire to throw all their existing G.I. Joe accessories into the garbage. Either you are with G.I. Joe, or you are against him.

Elizabeth Warren had her chance to show that she was with Bernie in 2016, and she didn’t take it. She chose to throw her support behind another line of merchandise, which makes me suspect they’re both owned by the same manufacture and are attempting to cross-promote.

Let me be clear: Big Jim was not in the market to further the cause of G.I. Joe, and Elizabeth Warren is not in the race to further the cause of Bernie Sanders. The people behind Big Jim were trying to cut into G.I. Joe’s market, and Elizabeth Warren is doing the same thing.

But let me strike a bargain with the Big Jim promoters who are trying to sell me on a product I don’t want. I know you Big Jim people would be happy with literally anything other than a Barbie Doll. I too have absolutely no interest in a Barbie Doll. But unlike you, if the choice comes down to Barbie or Jim, I’ve come to realize that I no longer have any interest in playing with dolls at all. So if you’re cool with “anyone but Barbie”, just chill for a while. Let the other kids who just aren’t into the newest toy force-fed us by a media campaign figure out for ourselves what it is we can live with. And then go along with what we decide, because we guarantee you we are doing everything possible to avoid getting a Barbie Doll next Christmas. Because while you might see pronounced differences between Big Jim and Barbie, all many of us can see is the big Mattel logo stamped on their asses.

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