Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Random Political Thoughts Part 16

The time for viewing others as heroes is over. The time for viewing others as comrades has begun.

I can’t help thinking children would be better off if they weren’t raised in a culture entirely immersed in corporate ideology. That they would be more able to think for themselves if their minds weren’t molded by television from their earliest age and then handed an iPod a couple of short years later. As Russell Brand said, “The people on the other end of the screen are not your friends.”

Whenever there is a leftist in power here or abroad, watch conservatives pretend to care about poor people.

It’s hard to believe we went from my parents’ generation, who wore suits and dresses to do their shopping, to a generation that wears their slippers and pajama bottoms to Walmart.

Does it bother no one that there is not one person in authority, no millionaire journalist with their own primetime show or prominent politician, who is willing to ask questions about Jeffrey Epstein?

I suspect that the typical Republican is one who does the dirty work of making the sausage and is aware of the cruelty involved in the process, and the typical Democrat is one who enjoys the finished product and would rather not know the unpleasant details.

Protests are happening in Spain and all over France. They are happening in Iraq, Ecuador, England, Haiti, Chile, and elsewhere. But your TV will only show you the ones that are happening in Venezuela and Hong Kong, because they are not inconvenient to our rulers. Auto Workers and Teachers are in the streets, but not on your TVs.

If oligarchy had an actual, physical, ass, our politicians would be lining up to kiss it.

There is no crisis so great that reconnecting with nature, neighborhood, community, time-honored values, and simplicity will not alleviate it. Think of this when you feel helpless amid problems too big for you. And if you’re terrified of an impending future of bomb shelters and looters, just remember this is not the only possible outcome, it is merely the only one our current rulers and their acolytes can imagine.

As the 90’s baseball stats will forever have an asterisk next to them for steroids, today’s journalism and film awards will have one for propaganda.

I have not yet read Sun Tsu’s Art of War, but I’m willing to bet “When Russia hacks your election to elect a neo-fascist, your first course of action must be to censor progressive media” is not in it anywhere.

Remember when the media used to have programs that critiqued the media? I miss those.

What if Russia is propping up Biden so that Trump will have an easy victory in 2020?

Capitalism has convinced us that poisons applied to our lawns and formulas from a can for babies are improvements over nature.

The Democratic Party is like a baby tooth that stubbornly hangs on while an adult tooth is trying to take its rightful place. It has outlived its purpose, it is delaying progress and maturation, and it has grown rotten from sucking from the teat of corporate money. It is not any kind of answer to the corruption of the Republican Party, its bad example permits people to justify continuing to vote for Republicans.

Next time Republicans tell you that the Democrats were the party of slavery, remind them that the Republicans used to support giving asylum to immigrants and be pro-union. Things changed and the racists started voting Republican.

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